
Letters to God

Dear God, the only thing I ask of you… Is to hold her when I'm not around… When I'm much too far away… Perlahan lagu itu mengalun, entah siapa yang semalam ini memutar lagu itu. Mungkin adik ku, atau mungkin si Reni, tetangga cantik disebelah rumah. Setahuku ia memang suka lagu-lagu Avenged Sevenfold. Tuhan. God. Allah. Elohim. Sang Hyang Widhi… Ada banyak nama tuhan di dunia ini, setiap detiknya entah berapa juta orang yang berdoa. Meminta kepada tuhannya masing-masing. Entah meminta apa. Mungkin seorang pedagang meminta agar dagangannya hari ini laku, atau seorang petani meminta hujan setelah kemarau berkepanjangan. Aku saat ini tengah berdoa juga, agar dia yang diujung barat Indonesia sana terjaga dari segala marabahaya. Tuhan, kenapa takdirmu begitu sempurna? Dalam sekejap mata engkau pertemukan aku dengannya? Lalu sekejap mata pula kau pisahkan? Kukira kita sama-sama tahu bahwa cinta selalu mengalahkan jarak dan waktu. Kau lebih dari apapun di seluruh may...

Its been a long time

Its must've been a long time since I've post something in this blog. Maybe I should start again. Maybe. Well,things have changed since the last time I've post something. For the start, now I realize what it means to have a girlfriend that soo supportive. How she is supported you. Keep your spirit up. Giving you a will to do more. And I loved her to because of that. Because being with her, I am now a better person. Yes, she may be far away. But distance is only a figure of metres or kilometres. If you keep someone close to your heart, even if she lived in another planet, distance is not really a problem. Soo, like I've said, its been a long time since I've post something. Now I'll try to do it more frequently. So. See you...

Masih tentang kamu

Seperti jangka. Aku mengitarimu dengan doa dan rindu sebagai pusatnya. @sadgenic

Hmmm... Petrichor...

Kamu pernah mencium bau tanah ketika hujan baru turun? Aroma teduh, aroma pengingat bahwa butir-butir air mulai turun. Aroma hujan, begitu aku menyebutnya. Aroma yang kuhirup dalam-dalam ketika masih bocah. Aroma yang terus mengingatkan aku pada masa itu, tiap kali aku menciumnya, sampai detik ini. Namanya  petrichor . Berasal dari bahasa Yunani,  petros  (batu) dan  ichor  (air). Apapun istilahnya, kamu pasti pernah menghirupnya. Sengaja ataupun tak sengaja. Begitu pula aku. Tak jarang, memoriku ter- recall  setelah mendengar stimulasi dari telinga. Ya, namanya musik. Atau dari penglihatan kedua mataku. Tapi sangat jarang terjadi bila kenangan terpanggil kembali dari rangsangan hidung. Dan itulah indahnya  petrichor . Aroma tanah bercampur air hujan, yang kata ibuku adalah bau debu yang terbang karena terhantam butiran air, menghidupkan banyak gambaran masa lalu di kepalaku. Masa kecil, ketika ibu justru melarangku untuk menghirupnya ka...


Hey.. Is it September already, how are you old friend? How's that friend of yours? The one that we always talk about when I feel sad. Is she still alive anyway? Well... Take care of her. She's in every word... Fragile. Are you still remember the first time we've meet? 24 years ago if I am not mistaken. Freshen my memory please. Its blurry, like a mirror on my bathroom. Padang Panjang is pounding with heavy rain, its cold, that's what my dad told me. Its night time right? Oh please! I hardly can remember anything until I was 3, so will you guide me through this? Yeah, I can hardly believe its 24 years already. So much happened, and soooo much has gone wrong. I am sorry for that, put the blame on me. Its just 2 days to go till our day. Please accept this as an apologies old friend, and as a reminder to myself, that I owe you big time. Just watch my back, I'll try my best to do whats right. To right a wrong.


Beberapa orang teman gw di Bandung dulu pernah berkata, kalau mereka menemukan save haven mereka di Bandung. Kota yang indah dan vibrant itu. Well, me too. Tapi buat gw sekarang ada satu tempat lagi yang gw anggap sebagai tempat buat melarikan diri. Pilubang. Why? Its simple, I love the scenery, the people, and the weather. The cuisine are quite nice too. I love the people, they're friendly. But what struck me best? The memories, its lovely with a twist of sourly after taste. You know, its like the best meal you get, but after that you have something in your mouth, a hair or something and that something is I have to say goodbye to all that heaven. Eventually life doesn't give a shit about a fairy tale, a fairy tale where I get all the time to spent my life there. Reality sucks, really, it sucks. Ah... Someday I'll be back. To have that heavenly sunset, that breathtaking hills, and that honest smile and maybe, just maybe, you'll come there with me, whoever you are....

Keep my sanity

This is funny,,, baru kemaren sebenarnya ada seorang teman yang mengkritik gw.. She said "You used to be so much happier". Ini ngga, murung mulu. Galau ga jelas. Malam-malam nelpon curhat isinya ngeluh aja. Beda banget dari lw yang dulu zah! Jderrr!!! Emang iya sih, waktu bisa merubah seseorang, termasuk gw. Tapi emang 2 tahun ini adalah turning point buat gw. Banyak hal-hal yang berubah. Banyak kejadian yang sedikit banyak menggerogoti gw yang dulu. Gw mulai jadi mayat hidup. Ngga eksplosif kayak dulu lagi. Mungkin gw emang butuh "that" lagi. hal-hal gila yang dulu sering gw lakuin. Menjaga sisi kanak-kanak gw buat tetep hidup. To keep my sanity, dan mumpung masih dua minggu lagi disini why not start now? So hang on folks!!!